
Rhinoplasty: cosmetic surgery of the nose

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty differs from traditional rhinoplasty.

This is because in traditional rhinoplasty, the tools used to reshape the nasal bones are less precise and can cause irregularities if they are not used correctly. Certainly, certain mechanisms have been developed to reduce the time of the procedure and to improve the inaccuracies of the hand tools used, but the latter present the same complications namely the irregularities of the contour and shape of the nose after surgery, which implies therefore a secondary rhinoplasty in the event of an unsatisfactory result.

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty is a recent and revolutionary technology.

It uses sound waves that precisely bypass the bones of the nose. It is the most advanced technique for nasal bone remodeling. Aside from its precision, it is also much less traumatic than traditional rhinoplasty.

This technology is currently available at the La renaissance cosmetic surgery center in Marrakech.

– Advantages :

  • Ultrasonic rhinoplasty significantly removes trauma to the soft tissues of the nose. Thus, complications, namely swelling, are almost non-existent.
  • The lines and shapes obtained through ultrasonic rhinoplasty appear as if they are sculpted.
  • An elegant transition is assured
  • Irregularities and deformations are non-existent since the procedure is very careful and precise
  • Recovery after ultrasound rhinoplasty is similar to traditional rhinoplasty.
  • Complications and the likelihood of surgical revision are significantly reduced.

– Post-operative instructions:

  • You should wear a nasal splint for at least a week.
  • You have to sleep with your head elevated.
  • Ice often needs to be applied to the nose

– Results:


The end result of ultrasonic rhinoplasty is long term, up to a year. However, the improvement in the nose is noticeable immediately after healing.

It should be mentioned that it is recommended to perform massages after removal of the splint on the 7th postoperative day.